Permits and Inspections:
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Permit No.
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(Last Name)
(Last Name)
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Application Date
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Permit Type
Select a Permit type...
prpt - (Time) Restricted Parking Review
abe - Abandonment Eng Permit
par - Administrative Relief
ac - Air Conditioner Permit
pabc - Alcohol Beverage Control Determination
pax - Annexation
cdrd - Bldg Demo GP PC 20/15,10,10
blk - Block Party Permit
bie - Bridge <3000 Eng Permit
bre - Bridge >3000 Eng Permit
bpiu - Building Permit for Interim Use
cell - Cell Site in Public ROW-PC
pcle - City Lead Environmental
cpkm - Coml Parking Lot Mod PC
cnu5 - Comm New 5-story+ Construction PC, 25,10,10,10
casf - Commercial Added Square Footage PC - 15,10,5,5
casp - Commercial Agricultural Sales PC
cfs - Commercial Fire Sprinkler PC
sbpf - Commercial Foundation Permit
cnew - Commercial New Construction PC - 20,10,5,5
cnfs - Commercial New Fire Sprinkler PC
coti - Commercial Office TI PC - 5,5,5,5
covr - Commercial Over Counter PC
sbpp - Commercial Piling Permit
cpdrbp - Commercial Post-Disaster Rebuild Permit
csp - Commercial Sign PC - 5,3,3
solc - Commercial Solar Electrical System - Photovoltaic
cti - Commercial Tenant Improvement PC - 5,5,5,5
ctti - Commercial TI PC Extended - 10,5,5,5
ctis - Commercial TI PC w/ Structure/in IBC - 10,5,5,5
pcn - Concept Plan
pcpu - Conditional Use Permit
pcpm - Conditional Use Permit Minor
pcpt - Conditional Use Permit Transfer of Dev. Rights TDR
pdet - Detachment
pda - Development Agreement
dw - Dishwasher Permit
ede - Easment Deed Eng Permit
ebp - Electrical Alteration/Addition Permit
ebpn - Electrical New Construction Permit
ep - Encroachment Permit
eab - Engineering Abandonment PC
ebi - Engineering Bridge Const <3000 PC
ebr - Engineering Bridge Const >3000 PC
eed - Engineering Easement Deed PC
epm - Engineering Final Parcel Map PC
etm - Engineering Final Tract Map PC
elc - Engineering Landscape PC
ell - Engineering Lot Line PC
elm - Engineering Lot Merger PC
emc - Engineering Misc Construction PC
epc - Engineering Parcel Improvement PC
etc - Engineering Tract Imp PC
etsm - Engineering Traffic Signal Mod PC
ets - Engineering Traffic Signal New PC
pec - Environmental Case/City Project
fsi - Fire Sprinkler Alteration/Addition Permit
fsin - Fire Sprinkler New Construction Permit
pga - General Plan Amendment
pgs - General Study
gpre - Grading Precise PC - 15,10,10,10
gplm - Grading Preliminary PC - 15,10,10,10
pir - Inter-Agency Review
dum - Interior Demolition Permit
lce - Landscape Eng Permit
pdc - Large Family Daycare
pmp - Master Plan
pmpc - Master Plan Commercial
pmph - Master Plan Hillside
mbp - Mechanical Alteration/Addition Permit
mbpn - Mechanical New Construction Permit
misc - Misc Commercial Permit
misr - Misc Residential Permit
mce - Misc. Const. Eng Permit
phon - Misc. Constr.-Cell Site in ROW
pmm - Mitigation Monitoring
petc - Model Homes/Push Carts/Sidewalk Vending
sbp - New Commercial Permit
sbpd - New Commercial Permit W/Def Impact Fees
rbpd - New Residential Const Permit W/ Def Impact Fees
rbp - New Residential Construction Permit
pncl - Non City Lead Project
ocsd - OC Sanitation Sewer Fee
whtc - Online Permit - Commercial AC replace like to like
webp - Online Permit - Commercial Electrical alt/imprvmn
wmch - Online Permit - Commercial Mch Alt rgstr/Duct/grll
wpbp - Online Permit - Commercial Plumbing alt/imprvmn
wmsr - Online Permit - Misc. Residential
wacr - Online Permit - Residential A/C Replacement
wdwr - Online Permit - Residential Dishwasher
wrfr - Online Permit - Residential Reroof
wslr - Online Permit - Residential Solar Express
whtr - Online Permit - Residential Water Heater
wmchld - Online Permit - test mechanical
pce - Parcel Imp Eng Permit
park - Park Construction Combination PC 15, 15, 10, 10
ppd - Park Design
ppk - Park Modification
ppp - Park Plan
pli - Parking Lot Improvement Permit
pcv - Patio Cover Permit
piup - Planning Interim Use Permit
psd - Planning Setback Deviation
pva - Planning Variance
pbp - Plumbing Alteration/Addition Permit
pbpn - Plumbing New Construction Permit
sw - Pool/Spa Permit
ppa - Pre-Application
gp - Precise Grading Permit
rbpr - Res Alt/Add/2nd Story Deck Permit
radu - Residential Accessory Dwelling Unit - 20,10,5,5
RDPx - Residential Duplex Unit - 20,10,5,5
rfs - Residential Fire Sprinkler Improvement PC
rbpf - Residential Foundation Permit
rmo - Residential Minor/Overnight/Overcounter PC
rna - Residential New Apartment PC - 20,10,5,5
rnc - Residential New Condominium PC - 20,10,5,5
rnfs - Residential New Fire Sprinkler PC
rnm - Residential New SFD Model PC - 20,10,5,5
rnew - Residential New SFD PC - 20,10,5,5
rnp - Residential New SFD Prod PC - 10,10,5,5
rpdrbp - Residential Post-Disaster Rebuild Permit
rra - Residential Remodel/Addition PC - 5,5,5,5
rrfr - Residential Reroof
solr - Residential Solar Electrical System - Photovoltaic
rwe - Right of Way Eng Permit
rg - Rough Grade/Stockpile/Tank Permit
sd - Satellite Dish Permit
sap - Seasonal Agricultural Permit
spi - Sign Permit
pss - Sign Program
pssm - Sign Program Minor Modification
so - Solar Permit
se - Special Event Inspection Request
si - Special Inspection Permit
sde - Storm Drain Eng Permit
psac - Street Address Change
psnc - Street Name Change
tu - Temp Utility Permit
tmpa - Template for address
ptb - Temporary Banner
tb - Temporary Banner
to - Temporary Occupancy Permit
sbpt - Tenant Improvement Permit
ptp - Tentative Parcel Map
ptt - Tentative Tract Map
tce - Tract Imp Eng Permit
tsie - Traffic Signal Inspection Eng Permit
tsme - Traffic Signal Mod Eng Permit
tse - Traffic Signal New Eng Permit
ptrc - Tree Removal Check (PC)
ptrp - Tree Removal Permit
tr - Tree Removal Permit
pua - Use Affidavit
pud - Use Determination
pws - Walls and Streetscape
pwsp - Walls/Streetscape/Park Plan
wh - Water Heater Permit
wsi - Water Softener Permit
dem - Whole Building Demolition Permit
wl - Wide Load
pwcf - Wireless Communication Facility
wfpc - wireless facility PC - 10,5,5,5
wfi - Wireless Facility Permit
pzc - Zone Change
pzd - Zoning Compliance
pcon - Zoning Confirmation Letter
Street Address
Suite Number
Permit Status
Map Number
Parcel Address
Parcel Number